I had posted this a few days ago, but it formatted wrong and I couldn't get it right, so the thread died a quick death. So, I'm trying it again now.
I've posted horror stories on here before about my encounters with medical debt collectrolls (collectors), whom I consider to be the lowest form of scum on earth, as well as regular debt collectrolls, who are only slightly higher on the lowest form of scum on earth scale. The medical ones are still harassing my terminally ill uncle and his wife, my aunt, btw, since his insurance doesn't cover a whole lot. Like the most important thing on people's minds when they or a family member are seriously ill is whether or not insurance covers something and the collectrolls get their fancy commission. These people prey on and make their living off of the misery and misfortune of others, they don't care if you've suddenly lost your job and can't find another, or if you or your wife/husband/child etc., etc., are seriously ill, or that in a civilized society people shouldn't have to worry about money when they're sick or injured, or anything like that. They still make you feel like the scum of the earth while trolling for as much money to squeeze/coerce/harass out of you as they can so the hospital CEO and doctors can still make their BMW payments and pay their country club memberships, and they can get their fancy commissions.
Anyway, the basic idea for this suddenly came to me in a dream and I wrote it down. I just had to share it with you once I did, so enjoy!
The Official Guide to Debt Collectroll-Speak
Now you, too, can "learn the lingo" and speak like a debt collectroll, and thus foil them at their own game, by using this handy translation guide:
1. What they say: "Yes, I need to speak to John/Mary, please." What they really mean: "I know John/Mary is there, so you'd better put them on the phone right now." Alternate Translation: "I know YOU are John/Mary, so there's no use in pretending you're not there."
2. What they say: "It's very important/urgent/imperative/critical that you return my call." What they really mean: "If you don't return my call, I won't be able to squeeze/harass/coerce/bully money out of you, and I won't get my commission for doing so, which means I won't be able to take my fancy vacation while you're stuck here on your lazy unemployed/sick/broke ass." Alternate Translation: If you don't return my call, you're a criminal, low-life, inconsiderate, pond scum bastard who doesn't care if I end up in the same position as you, and who doesn't care that my clients won't be able to make their BMW payments, or will have to pull little Johnny and/or Susie out of the fancy private school you wish YOUR kids could attend."
3. What they say: "How do you want to pay/what are you going to do about this debt?" What they really mean: "I know you have the money, you're just deciding not to give it to me and my agency so that we can take our substantial fee before giving the rest to our client." Alternate Translation: "We have ways of making you pay if you don't voluntarily give up some of that huge pile of money you're sitting on, even though you don't have a job or you're too sick to work."
4. What they say: "I understand your situation, but......." What they really mean: "I don't give a flying fuck about what you're dealing with, just find a way to give us the #$#%$#$#$#$%#$ money it's our God-given right to have, or else!" Alternate Translation: "It's your own damn fault you lost your job/got sick/your wife/husband/child is seriously ill, it's not my problem and you're a selfish pig if you don't buck up and find a way to give us the damned money!"
5. What they say: "Do you have any other source of income?" What they really mean: "I know you have plenty of money and/or ways of getting it, and we will find out every single detail of your finances, you lying scumbag!" Alternate Translation: "Sell the house, sell your car, sell all your furniture and personal belongings, sell you/your wife's body, offer your kids as slaves, THEN you'll have the money!"
6. What they say: "I understand you have expenses as well, but.....". What they really mean: "Who gives a shit about any of your expenses, I have my own expenses, like that Hawaian vacation I'll win if I get enough commissions, which is far more important than feeding your family and keeping your house." Alternate Translation: "You shouldn't have lost your job/gotten sick, etc., so your expenses are just your own damn fault, that's what homeless shelters and soup kitchens are for!"
7. What they say: "Surely, you want to do the right thing and take care of your obligations?" What they really mean: See number three.
8. What they say: "Paying this obligation now will prevent any further collection action on our part." What they really mean: "We will hunt you down and take everything you own and garnish your wages until you drop dead of exhaustion, and we will get our commission despite your selfishness and lack of consideration. Alternate Translation: You really don't want to test us on this, do you?"
9. What they say: "This will affect your credit rating for the next seven years, do you really want that?" What they really mean: "If it affects your credit rating, you'll have difficulty getting another job, which means you won't be able to pay us, and we will NOT be happy!" Alternate Translation: "If we don't get our commission, it will affect OUR credit rating, which means we won't be able to continue making a living harassing dumbfucks like you anymore, and we will NOT be happy!"
10. What they say: "We will, of course, report your account as paid in full to the credit bureaus if we receive payment by___________. What they really mean: "LIKE HELL WE WILL!" Alternate Translation: "If you believe that, I've got a bridge in Siberia you might be interested in buying!" Second Alternate Translation: "Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah, you dumb idiot, you actually believe that?"