Amusing stories about your friends thread!
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Sun Dec-28-03 01:59 AM
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Amusing stories about your friends thread! |
I just talked to a friend on the phone and was reminded of this story.
One time my buddy went to a bar afterwork with people from work. Sooner or later they ended up at a strip bar.His cousin ended up being the guy working the door. Everyone from work left and he had spent about $80 on beer. His cousin made him get into a cab and told the cabbie to take him home.
He told the cabbie to drop him off around back. Then he snuck in the back door and continued drinkin (by now he was pretty slammed) He somehow ended up talking to two of the strippers. Meantime his cousin called his parents to tell them their son was drinking himself stupid in a strip bar.
So what happens? He is talking to these two strippers and his Dad comes outta nowhere and says "COme on son your Mom's waiting in the car, let's get going."
He looks at the strippers and says cordially "Ladies, this is my Dad." They both got up and left.
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