Edited on Sun Dec-28-03 05:33 AM by Dover
I enjoyed it, but am not sure it was academy material. Of course, lesser films have won the Oscar so that may be a pretty meaningless statement.
I did not read the book, and wish I had because the characters in the movie were not very richly developed. I would really have liked to get to know Ruby and the other characters better (although the movie clocked in at almost 3 hours as it was). And Nicole is so stunningly beautiful she's almost not real...or at least it's distracting. She is a fantastic actress, so that's not my complaint. But she just looks so amazing in every scene that I just sat transfixed and it drew me away from the story a bit.
Civil wars...or any wars for that matter...do seem so senseless. And this movie drove that home. War seems to bring out this dark cruel element that must be otherwise dormant in the human psyche and opportunistic. How can people change from neighbor, friend, countryman to cruel murderous monsters in such short order? How is hate so easily born? In light of current events, it seemed all too familiar.
A great parting kiss between Jude and Nicole, eh?