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A thought from Goldie Hawn...

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-28-03 05:30 PM
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A thought from Goldie Hawn...
(circa 1968, amazing how things don't date...)

"I'm not concerned with the hawks, nor am I with the doves. I'm more concerned with the cuckoos in Washington trying to make pidgeons out of all of us."

I ought to make a bumper sticker out of that... :D
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Tripper11 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-28-03 05:34 PM
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1. That's great.
Edited on Sun Dec-28-03 05:38 PM by Tripper11
I take it she said this on Laugh-In? I can just see her silly grin with a flower power flower painted on her check saying this.

Edited : Use the newly added spell check damnit!
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supernova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-28-03 05:36 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. That does sound like
Rowan & Martin at their sharpest. Great quote! :D
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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-28-03 05:49 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. It definitely was from Laugh-In!


We need a Laugh-In '04... one up to date for the times in terms of controversial content and witty humor. (while some of the original Laugh-In's humor is great, some of it is also witless. But not all like wit and witless can be funny too when presented right...)
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SheilaT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-28-03 06:48 PM
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4. And remember their news of the future
Edited on Sun Dec-28-03 06:52 PM by SheilaT
looking twenty years ahead? I'm almost positive they had Ronald Reagan as president!

added: remember Lily Tomlin's telephone operator? I was a telephone operator back then, and we all swore she was one of us! I worked with any number of fortyish women who had EXACTLY that hairdo, and likewise tended to dig in their bras all the time. We just couldn't get away with telling the customers the things she did.
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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-28-03 07:07 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Lily rules!
Haven't seen the Reagan preminition yet (which they DID do so don't worry, hehe... Reagan as President understandably seemed silly at the time and in retrospect, Reagan was too silly to be taken seriously though people bought his dance, hook line and sinker) nor the preminition of the Berlin Wall going down (replaced by a moat, which I think is terribly funny even if it is dated)...

But Lily made an otherwise mediocre season 3 a success. If the cast in season 2 hadn't move on (Alan Sues, Dave Madden, and the others who did leave) then season 3 would have been just as stellar if not more so. Lily RULES. Wait, Alan was in it for a while but Dave wasn't even in season 3 at all... Or maybe it was also the writing that had dropped, except for Lily's bits... Lily as the telephone operator AND the ditzy one who changed tracks in the middle of sentences were BRILLIANT. I also recall a special on PBS commemorating Lily and they had a scene of her in a real phone company doing a hilarious 5 minute gag in her Ernestine character on how the phone company ruins our lives. PRICELESS STUFF, even if technology has changed...)

It's interesting, being a 31 year old watching 35 year old material. Some of it holds up great (enough for me to recommend), some of it is topical and therefore has lost its touch, some of it was topical but retains its wit and hilarity (thus making it a bona fide classic for all time), some of it wasn't funny and probably never was (but that's typical of ANY sketch/shtick show), and a fortunately SMALL number of jokes were racist. (I've seen 14 episodes to date, over 1000 jokes, and only 3 could be considered racist, which is pretty good for a late 60s mainstream-oriented show that irked censors with many progressive gags. The bits I'd say were racist were Joey Bishop did a bit doing something dumb, pretending to be Middle Eastern and jiggling womens' feet with bells on them with bell sounds superimposed with the other two jokes featured Ruth Buzzi and later Arte Johnson acting out a lame "Asian flu" skit, complete with taped eyelids. :eyes: Which is weird since the Asian skit was in the same James Garner episode featuring some of the best stuff ever. Theresa Graves couldn't kiss James on TV so he asked her "Your place or mine" then walked offstage holding hands looking horny toward each other, with the German dude then saying "Veddy interesting, but they're showing a test pattern in Birmingham!" ROTFLMAO! It's still hilarious today, but in 1969 I'd reckon the censors were utterly nervous with the sketch! The follow-up gag with Alan Sues trying to do the same to James is hilarious as well... Very bold stuff, even in 2003's standards!)
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elperromagico Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-28-03 06:50 PM
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5. Or the Smothers Brothers,
with Tommy's theory that you can tell who's in charge based on how many clothes they wear. Sometimes the less-ons are in charge, but who's in charge now? The more-ons.
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