Last year was the second hardest year I have ever been thru..the worst was 1989, when my husband was killed. Last year I watched my son end up almost killing himself on drugs, then go thru rehab, and now he's going with his brothers to Seattle where I am hoping he starts a new life and doesnt count on me so much...(sometimes , a mother can be the WORST thing for a 21 year old young man) i.e. toughlove must prevail... I also watched my other son almost get stoplossed into being forced back into the National Guard...but thanks to the people at DU and Sen Levin, he was allowed his legal discharge he also watched his restaurant lose mightily , hard economic times... My middle son is fine, and the 3 of them are leaving the day after tommorrow for Seattle, which, I am happy to say, is a far far better place for young people then this small town hellhole in Michigan where the only jobs are shining shoes and losing your mind from nickel and diming it to death.. Ive always encouraged my kids to get the hell out on their own anyway..and get away from Mom and find their Bliss.. as for my stepson, 2004 means Iraq. This is what we have to now concern ourselves with. The fear of that debacle and his deployment. So F*ck 2003, Im glad its over ... On to 2004, where my hopes are that my stepson will be safe for a year, and that the Bush Regime will collapse under the weight of its own LIES.