Yay! It's almost pardon time!
Liberal Veteran
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Wed Dec-31-03 02:53 PM
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Yay! It's almost pardon time! |
For those us who have gotten a warning notice (or more) we can face the new year with a clean slate and clean conscience.
Ain't absolution great?
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Wed Dec-31-03 02:54 PM
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Cats who are loved just have that look in their faces, you know? I can never get enough of it.
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Wed Dec-31-03 02:55 PM
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Would you believe that *I* - the almighty and powerful Magic Rat, has yet to receive ONE single warning.
I feel I should have done more with my time in 2003. :D
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Wed Dec-31-03 03:24 PM
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7. Heh - join the club (n/t) |
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Wed Dec-31-03 02:58 PM
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3. I haven't had any warnings? |
Shouldn't I get a "bonus pardon" for 2004 in case I go off on some crazy rant after the primaries?
Liberal Veteran
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Wed Dec-31-03 03:01 PM
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5. Naw, it just means you weren't raised in a barn like some of us! |
I got mine for being mean to someone before they got banned.
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Wed Dec-31-03 03:20 PM
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6. Maybe my resolution should be to get a little more rowdy here |
at the DU.
I could go into the GD 2004 forum and just let them all know what I think of each of the 9 candidates. Just let it all fly out (even the "bad" things I think about Dean and he is my candidate).
<On a side note: this is my 700th post. I think I am becoming a junkie!>
Liberal Veteran
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Wed Dec-31-03 03:26 PM
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8. Praise the Lord! You've joined the 700 Club!!!! |
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Wed Dec-31-03 03:33 PM
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Wed Dec-31-03 03:01 PM
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4. I've only gotten one warning (I think) |
and only one post edited. All in all I been a good boy.. (well as far as posting within the legalities of DU. ;-) )
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:19 AM
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