The New Hotmail can kiss my grits!
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Thu Jan-01-04 01:09 PM
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The New Hotmail can kiss my grits! |
I just recieved a message today that was sent on DEC 8... it was a guy who wanted to interview me for a position up North. The job paid 4.50 an hour more than the one I accepted and offered a $200 a month car allowance. Plus he said you can make CP (Canadian Press, it's kinda like AP) daily because there are few reporters there. I'm so fucking mad right now...... I curse you hotmail!
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Thu Jan-01-04 01:24 PM
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I don't understand why people don't pick up the phone and call when they don't hear back from someone they e-mailed. Maybe the job you took will ultimately be for the best. :-)
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Thu Jan-01-04 01:27 PM
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2. I actually tried to phone them |
But always seemed to get a machine. I'm sure he had a couple more aps that were just as good or better so it was no biggie for him.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:19 AM
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