The Advocate is the faux-alternative weekly tabloid, published by the Tribune Media Company, who also publishes the daily Hartford Courant. In this instance, the Courant and the Advocate share an editorial position. But that is not always the case. In fact, more often than not, the Courant will publish glowing happy-news about the republican party, or ignore/bury negative GOP stories on page 37D beneath the used underwear ads; at the same time, it will publish a scathing expose on the Bush administation, Cheney's nuculer wealings and dealings or some other similar type of story indicting the Bushista regime.
My gripe is simple...since the Tribune Media Company controls the CT media, with The Courant and the Stamford daily, the 3 television stations in Hartford, every edition of the Advocate from Fairfield County (NY border) to Vermont...how can they get away with burying negative GOP stories in its "regular" media outlets while running front-page muckraking about the very same people, but published only in free, liquor store and sandwich shop giveaway papers like The Advocate? If the scandal is real, the real papers owe the residents of the state the truth. Is that a difficult concept?
The truth should not be considered "alternative."
Sadly, had the Tribune Media Company used its virtual monopoly on mainstream media in Connecticut to investigate (remember "investigative journalism?"} the governor when it was clearly indicated he needed a little scrutiny, maybe this whole 9 years of corruption could have been prevented or avoided.
Oh...so when does Connecticut get back the $230,000,000 Rowland gave to his Ken Lay's Enron, interest free, which was lost in its entirety when Ken moved to the Caymans?