I was at a new years party and among the guests was some old hick gloating up a storm about the hanging of Saddam who would go on to ramble about the war in Iraq had been the will of god and insert freeper shit here. With some other old hicks just nodding along he gradually got drunker and in turn louder and louder.
Eventually there was a confrontation between him and some young guy who looked to be in his mid-20's, also probably drunk who sort of looked like he might be a soldier and these were his exact uncensored words:
"you call this a victory?, three thousand dead americans, fuck knows how many dead iraqis and all we have to show for it is bunch of fucking shiite terrorists we put in charge - their fucking iranians and would cut your fucking throught - if you think this is the will of god you must be a fucking shiite!"
I also kinda suspect he was a soldier because I am not sure an average 20 something white kid would have particularly strong feelings about a specific group of iraqis
They would exchange drunk words with the young guy going off on another rant about shiites and iran that had far too much profanity to repeat, he was eventually pulled away by a young woman who looked about the same age.