this one is especially sweet, since i do a lot of volunteer work for this very special gallery. i have entered SSSOOO many shows, and never get in.
about the showthey didn't post my whole statement, but here it is.
official lies
puppet judiciary
stolen elections
corporate media monopoly
planetary destruction
thievery on an epic scale
demonization of dissent
destruction of culture
debased language
phony debate
missing blonds
criminal neglect
secret prisons
broken treaties
banned weapons
as the american democracy slipped into the mud, i felt its tentacles grip my ankle. i needed to feel like i had done everything that was within my poor powers to fight the drag. i could no more look away from events than take my eyes off a mad dog in my backyard. i could no more shut my mouth than smother my child. it is my duty as a citizen. to speak the truth, from whatever soapbox was still allowed.
i bought a cheap plastic button maker, copped images from the web, taught myself photoshop, cranked out buttons, and gave them away. i started accepting the frequently offered dollars, invested in better equipment, channeled my growing fury into carefully chosen words and pictures, crossed the country and the internet, dragging a suitcase of buttons. it seems small and pathetic sometimes, measured against the magnitude of the evil being perpetrated in our names. but it is what i can do.
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
opening is friday the 19th for anyone in the area. i will be having a blast that night, i can tell you.