Edited on Fri Jan-05-07 03:57 PM by Liberalynn
died of pancreatic cancer on New Year's Eve at age 65.
I mention him here because he was one of the main reasons I became a Democrat. He was my History and Political Science professor the first few years of college. Jack never forced his own views on anyone. He encouraged everyone to make up their own mind and follow their own conscience. He spoke his own views with such eloquence, however, that you couldn't fail to see the common sense of his arguments. He not only taught about humanity and the Constitution, you could tell Jack really believed in both strongly.
Jack lso had a grand sense of humor. He used to keep his political bumper stickers in a case outside his office. A few of my favorites were "Friends don't let friend's vote Repulican," and "Labotomies for Republican's its the law." I also liked "Another Man for Women's Rights"! Even after talking about the grimmest subjects in all seriousness during class, he could always make the entire class laugh again, before he dismissed us. Often when I hear the promo for Stephanie Miller's show; "You have to laugh, or you would just cry all day wouldn't you," I thought of Jack. As I am pretty sure that was one of his philosophy's of life.
Jack also was always there for his students. Even when in the midst of a ton of phone calls and paper work as he worked through a reaccrediation process our state required of colleges every few years, he never closed his door to his students. When I was planning on what school to transfer to, after the end of my communtity college years, he personally walked me down to my meeting with the recruiter of my top choice, gave me a glowing recommendation, and even suggested they give me a scholarship.
He was a Democratic Committe chair at both the municpal and county levels, and a city councilman, in additon to his college service. In his younger days he volunteered on both Jack and Bobby Kennedy's campaigns.
With deep respect and admiration I say goodbye Jack. I am sad that there is one less good man and Dem to fight the fight. I can never live up to your legacy but I will always remember what you taught me and try to stand up for those ideals in my own small way whenever I can.
So I hope though you may not have met him, you will join me, in toasting a life lived well by one fine democrat and gentleman! Wherever you are now Jack I hope you are still kicking Rethug butt with simple brilliance!
I say ye Jack L. Bricker!!!!!!!
:toast: :dem: :dem: :dem: