Edited on Sun Jan-07-07 03:34 PM by Archae
From my LJ:
A while back, the country of Turkey got 'star wars' but they didn't want their culture to be 'corrupted by outside influences' so they made their own star wars. Overall, the parts of the film I've seen reminded me of "Land of the Lost" mixed with martial arts movies. Now, I don't understand the dialogue, but so far the only 'star wars' was cuts from Lucas's SW put in the film, such as the death star battle.
Anyways, it's been the subject of jokes and rumor over the years. A common one, combined with "Turkish Prison" jokes, is that they give the viler prisoners a choice to watch "Turkish Star Wars" as "Re-education" and most think "It'll be easier than the rack" so then they strap 'em in a chair "Clockwork Orange" style and watch it, and in the next room both the torturers and tortured shudder at their screams.
But it ain't THAT bad:-)
-Now, the first few minutes is dialogue, but skip ahead you'll see talking head actors over different scenes. Then, ahead a few minutes, a menagerie of costumed characters!
George Lucas watched it early on. About it he's only said (best I remember) "No, I can't sue them, or get it taken down. Turkey has no treaty with the US, at least regarding copyright. And I couldn't really 'prove damages' if I wanted to. So I'll remind people of the French saying "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery..." I'd like to talk to their government some day and make some proposals, for future projects..."