before hopping on the train home from work i was smoking a cigarette before ducking into the station. as i was smoking, a berkLey music student approached me and tried to give me some piLLs. he was taLking kinda funny (Like he'd done too many drugs so far in his short Life) and he needed 50 cents. "it's reaLLy important that i get that 50 cents."
he hoLds his hand out and he has 4 bLue piLLs in his hand; if i give him 50 cents, i get 2 of them, and he'LL take the other 2. i ask what they are, and he says, "i don't know. some girL gave them to me and said they'LL make you feeL REAL good"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
so i take a Look at the piLLs to make sure they weren't roLLs (as i wouLda snatched those up at quite the bargain). instead of the usuaL fLower/caLvin kLein Logo/baLLoon/etc there was writing on it... something to the effect of:
WRKE WRAP 175 (i didn't think too much of it at the time or i wouLd have paid more attention to try and figure out what they were Later, or to give a more accurate accounting to DU)
needLess to say, i decLined his offer but gave him the 50 cents anyways. he thanked me profuseLy, and then started swaLLowing his big bLue piLLs.
anyone have any idea what kind of piLLs they might have been?