mean or otherwise negative behaviors...have you been afflicted by any?
What matters most -- their spiritual commitment and stated values or their observable behavior toward others bound with them on this earthly plane? To me it's behavior, hands-down. In the end, what matters most in the world around us is what we do, and what we don't do.
I guess I'm talking mostly about those who reject the 'traditional' big-time religions of our society, because (right or wrong) we've become somewhat conditioned to expect a degree of hypocrisy in mainstream religious movements -- the degree varying widely, of course, and embodied by the likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson at its extreme. To me, as a result, it's far more disappointing to be affected by hateful, vindictive, and otherwise ugly behaviors from a New Thought/New Age spiritual pilgrim. My wife was one, in some ways, for a long time. I guess she was trying to do the best she could, but all of her lovey-dovey serene crystal waving and drumming (I did kind of like the drumming, when I tried it, though I provided kind of a syncopated beat to the drum circle, with some pretty energetic drum fills and runs, that was probably not quite what they were really going for) was very much at odds with the way she treated certain others -- most especially her mother and I. Semi-attached to her spiritual community as I became, I saw it in others, too. I met some beautiful people, some amazing souls, but then there were the ones who I got to feeling were more playing spiritual dress-up than anything more meaningful. I'm not talking about flawed human beings, but people who are not just rather nasty but are thus on a fairly consistent basis. Again, I suppose they were just trying to get along, trying to improve their lives and their outlooks, but some were outright evil in their scheming and Machiavellian plotting...at that level, I'd say, "they're just doing their best" is not a defense.
Listen to a recording of my wife's daily utterances and you could tell when she was on the telephone versus when she was talking to (at) me, even without hearing the words. These people on the other end of the phone line, even if she did not know them personally, invariably got a soft and oh-so-understanding voice from Someone Who Obviously Cares So Very Much And Deeply (and she did and does have a great phone voice) whereas the tones that I received were those of a female Jackie Gleason.
Anyway, this isn't about me, my wife, or any of that, it's about hypocrisy among certain of the peaceniks and love-filled-light-beings of 'alternative' religion/spirituality and whether it's so much the worse and disillusioning for being perpetrated by many who'd describe themselves as "recovering Baptists" (or whatever) and for not having the excuse that in their negative behavior they're being true to the Old Testament. And let's not even get into the tendency of certain New Age groups to totally corrupt and misrepresent the rituals and belief systems of other cultures and ethnicities...that's a whole other story. :D