Edited on Mon Jan-15-07 09:04 PM by MassDemm
It will be almost one year to the day of my last surgery. Last one was February 6, 2006, emergency surgery.
This surgery will be to locate what is wrong from when I had the last surgery.
I have had very bad pain since a hernia repair and other things that might be better left unsaid (bowel).
I am afraid to go under the knife again, I really don't want to do it.
The nurse in recovery told me as I was coming out of my daze that I turned blue three times (not sure if I actually stopped breathing).
Does anyone know if there are options for anesthesia?
Can I have a spinal, or conscious sedation for a laparoscopy.
I am gonna ask the dr. when I go for pre-op but that won't be for another week. If anyone knows about this stuff your input would be helpful.
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