I got myself settled down to sleep before your reply. I haven't met you before, so this could be a dumb question, but are you a police officer?
Things actually went smoothly, as far as things like this go, and it's not the first criminal activity that has come to a climax right outside my home, but it's the first time one of my immediate neighbors was victimized. It's one thing to hear a sound, see some activity, and call the police, then see what goes down. It's another thing when the realization hits that you just saw your friend's house get hit.
The police have always responded quickly and well when I've needed them here, and the officer I talked to last night was really good at keeping me informed as things developed -- by the time I had gotten my neighbor's girlfriend talking on the phone with the first officer to respond, a cruiser had pulled up with the burglar in the back. My neighbor ID'ed him, the details I had corroborated his ID, and they got the house secured.
So I got to sleep late, didn't get to sleep as long as I wish I could have this morning, and my neighbor won't be happy when he comes back to town. But the sun's out, it's a new day, and things always seem better in the morning.