Edited on Sun Jan-04-04 12:07 PM by gristy
Elizabeth Weber's letter of complaint regarding two previous letter writers leaves me aghast. She suggests that people who would bring our troops home prefer to "forget the war on terrorism". She suggests that such people desire to forget Afghanistan. Of course these are straw men, and poorly disguised ones at that, since the previous letter writers made no such suggestions. She further invokes the attacks at the World Trade Center to justify our invasion of Iraq, when she certainly knows by now that NO evidence exists of Iraq's involvement.
A transparent bleeding heart, she cries over the deaths of innocent children and Kurds and marsh Arabs in Iraq under Hussein. Why should she care about Iraqis half way around the world? If her concern is genuine and not hypocritical, where is her concern over Turkey's treatment of their Kurds in the 1990's, or of roving death squads in our own back yard in Central America. Shall we invade them too, Ms. Weber??
I suggest to all your readers that Ms. Weber, while meaning well, is simply unknowingly spouting the well-worn talking points from the current administration and RNC. The invasion of Iraq is NOT about WMD (none found). It is NOT about democracy for Iraqis (currently being delivered at the end of a gun). It is NOT about Hussein. It is NOT about the war on terrorism. Google "Project for a New American Century" on the web and you will learn first-hand of the imperialistic aims of this administration.