Edited on Wed Jan-17-07 11:22 PM by Rabrrrrrr
And know that the entire music industry is corrupt and offering the world nothing but empty, vacuous, braindead shlock.
What makes me happy is that not every young person, or even older person, in this country is a fucking moron when it comes to "consuming" "music product", but that there are at least few who are protecting human development and evolution, and protecting what is good about the human spirit by refusing to dumb themselves down to ingesting American Idol level of "musical product".
I think especially of primate1, though I know there are others here on DU who also fit the bill.
To all of you young people who haven't bought into the bullshit, and still demand TALENT and MUSICIANSHIP and CREATIVITY from your music, and for your refusal to accept "musical product", and your refusal to "consume" music like it's some kind of fucking commodity, I salute you!
I might give Billy Joel a lot of shit, but I do have to give him credit for not using pitch shifters and other modifications to his music. He sucks, but at least he's real. Hell, even Kinkade still actually paints all his paintings, and doesn't just write a little algorithm and let the computer spit "art" out by formula, like the recording industry does.
We need something like the USDA labeling system, like "Prime" for music done by actual musicians who actually perform it, and "processed music" for shit like, well, I don't know, there have to be musicains at this level - maybe this is where Michael Bolton is at - and then "processed music product" for shit like what American Idol winners make, or Brittney, N'Sync, Tiffany, etc.
I think it's only fair - consumers have the right to know whether they're getting real music, or just "processed music product", just like they have a right to know whether they are getting "cheese" or "processed cheese" or "processed cheese food".