Cheap, especially with paying friends, and easier than food. he was an alcoholic. Probably a beer for a buzz, though his social was pretty good. Underneath it did NOT help his writing or career. Detailing horrified experiences of where alcohol can lead to is not necessary to the imagination. One anecdote about the DT's is something any person could experience and was never the subject of a story. Alcohol flowed like rivers in Poe's time. He already had social skill problems and emotional background for which the booze was fuel to his own bonfire. As J.B. Shaw commented, Dylan Thomas probably consumed more alcohol on a weekend end bender than Poe did his entire life.
I refer any sane person who wants to understand sane writers who happen to be addicted to read Stephen King "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" which says it all. Other writers got into the myths and delusions about substance abuse and art.
Poe's great contributions might surprise you but there are being taught fairly well nowadays. America's first great and possibly greatest poet, establishing a new symbolism, art for art's sake, and American presence in all of a world literature. Inventor of the detective story genre and many of its basic plots and characteristics. Established a real American literary criticism that brilliantly and unsparingly got beyond hype and the posture of deference or defense regarding Europe. The puzzle page and his success in broadening the features and popular appeal of literary magazines(but little to his own economic gain).His tales, sometimes more tongue in cheek than the reader realizes, are a contribution for the way Poe used or amended the form, the poetry and the great popular success they enjoyed over most of the genre. Unfortunately it is the Tales that overshadow greater accomplishments and create a popular misunderstanding about Poe, who IS unique and hard to put in boxes despite the brevity, consistency and often bare simplicity of his output.
We also celebrate many years of successful slander and misunderstanding which is a huge lesson on the use of character assassination, spin and popular knowledge as it is abused more professionally today. Many of the things one thinks or presumes about Poe come from the seminal lies spread by a personal enemy before his grave had gone cold. Only love of his stories(sales helped by the sense of scandal) and the strength of his poems kept his reputation aline in a warped and insufficient way among the public who bought into the dirt. Not unusually, the slanderer was himself more guilty than Poe of the actual lurid accusations. A success story that probably is referenced in GOP training manuals.
To get the taste of Poe's Muse read the more personal poems like "The Lake" "Alone" "A Dream Within A Dream". Not too oddly most people only know Poe through story poems like "The Raven" "El Dorado" "Annabel Lee" where, like the tales, the imaginary context is never penetrated by many fans.