But there comes a point that transcends just due criticism and pure spiteful attacking.
The doped-up, microcephalic cretin who wrote the article at the following link
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,245264,00.htmlis mixing "tough love" with "uncivilized, uncouth trolling".
There ARE gracious ways to say someone isn't doing good, without having to sob croc tears in a melodramatic display of disingenuous sincerity. "Sorry, but I don't think you're good in this field." Is
that so difficult to say?! Even "You don't have what it takes, so go away!" is positively polite compared to the depths A.I. has descended to.
The animal writing for FOX in that article doesn't understand the difference between a civilized let-down and vicious brutality. And he supports it. And, as with how many other things, it's dragging down FOX even more. So much the better, FOX has very little credibility left. Maybe they ought to find a new day job.