I know I'm a grown woman, and using the word "poopy" probably isn't the most mature thing. But it's the only word I can use without resorting to swearing like a sailor.
Story: I prepare reports every month that determine what commission of our sales a particular company gets. I always send this report to my bosses for approval before I send to accounting. The trouble is....I usually have to send the report to them once and get no response, then wait a few days and send again with a little prompting that I need a response before they'll get back to me. I did this same routine this month. Finally one boss responds, and lets me know that the report looks great! I decide to wait a little longer for the other boss to respond. Nothing. I really need to send this in. Finally, I decide not to wait any longer and send it to accounting.
THEN my second boss responds! In essence, he tells me of about 4 different things I need to take into account with this report. ALL of them are news to me. One of the deductions to the commission comes from a term I've never heard of before.
Why the hell wasn't this told to me before?!? I'm not a mind reader people! If I am to do these things properly, I need to know when you've made special deals with people!
Maybe I'm out of line. I don't know. I just wish I was kept in the loop better.