Those of you who watch WWE Wrestling, check out this article John Layfield, aka "Bradshaw," wrote and email him. Here's a little of what he wrote in his latest commentary on
"Poor Howard Dean, and poor, stupid Al Gore. Al Gore couldn’t pick a one-horse race; he sure picked the wrong horse in this one. Maybe together Dean and Gore could invent the Confederate Internet. Not as if George W. needed any help, but this just assured him of getting reelected.
As good a politician as Bill Clinton was, and he was great, Al Gore is just as bad. How can you lose an election as the incumbent when you have just had the greatest eight years of economic expansion in history? I will tell you how: He is a complete moron.
Joe Lieberman, in my opinion, is the most qualified Democratic candidate, and his buddy Al Gore just cut his legs out from under him. That tells you a lot about Al."
Head on over to to see the commentary, or click
here. He's inviting anyone to email him with any questions, so if you have any, give him a buzz. He'll answer him in his next commentary.
I gave him my two cents.
Just thought I'd like to share this.