that you have ever made for someone and the best handmade gift you have ever received?
I love the concept of the Emerson-ian gift. There is something so special about making someone a gift with a lot of thought that comes from the heart. And, since Valentine's Day is not far away, I was thinking this might be a good way to spark my imagination for something I haven't thought of before.
I actually have two best gifts that I made. The first was a book that told the story of how my husband met and got married. I wrote the story and typed it out in a pretty font, glued it down on the page, and framed each page with ribbon. The final page of the story is To be Continued...
The second gift I made was what I called "The Box of Love". I covered one of those treasure chest looking craft boxes made of thick cardboard in some red satin fabric, lined it with strings of beads that looked like pearls, and put a tassel on the front for a pull opening. I also lined the inside with love quotes written on vellum. I then wrote out 100 reasons why I loved my husband and wrote them inside little heart templates in Word that I printed out on different colored paper. I cut out the hearts and put them in the box to draw out whenever he wanted to know a reason I love him. I gave it to him 2 years ago and he still hasn't gotten through them all. It's a present that keeps on giving.
This is the best present I have ever received:
It's from my husband, obviously.
So how about you?