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I didn't know haircuts were quite THAT important!

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jmowreader Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-28-07 02:55 PM
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I didn't know haircuts were quite THAT important!
Yesterday I was driving home from the store with a load of cat food when steam started coming out from under my hood. I got the car home, opened the hood and found one of my radiator hoses had burst. It's not a huge problem--go buy a new hose and a gallon of antifreeze, replace the hose, fill the car back up (I put some radiator stop leak in there too), bleed the air out of the cooling system and go drive around for half an hour to cook the stop leak into the engine. Easy repair.

I took my wife to work in her car, then went to the store to get the stuff I'd need to fix my car. About halfway between the Home Depot and the auto parts store, some guy in a white Scion going at least 65mph (in a 45mph zone) decided to weave between me and this guy in the other lane. This fucker's taillights were about three inches ahead of my front door when he started cutting into my lane. I had to nail the brakes hard enough to leave skidmarks (I was doing 45 like I was supposed to) to keep from hitting this asshole.

Okay...obviously this guy needs a fix, or his girlfriend just offered to end the platonic phase of their relationship if he'll be there in five minutes...something, right? So I nailed the gas and got up behind him. I'm zipping down the street at Ludicrous Speed following this moran thinking "please, please, please don't let there be any cops on this road."

We get up to the top of the hill and he pulled into a parking lot...and parked in front of an open barbershop, which I didn't know existed at 10am on a Sunday.

What this moran needs to do, seeing as how he has covered the back of his car with every manner of Jesus paraphernalia, is to go to church and thank Jesus that I was in my wife's car. If it was MY car, I'd have let him tear the side off...I'd like to have a different car anyway.
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SPKrazy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-28-07 02:55 PM
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1. Thanks For Reminding Me
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