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I must not read fascist garbage--it's bad for mental health.

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David__77 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-01-03 01:14 PM
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I must not read fascist garbage--it's bad for mental health.
Almost a year ago, I told myself, "I will NOT read Free Republic or other fascist garbage any more." Sometimes I can be a high-stress person, and I determined that looking at this crap was, to say the least, unhelpful. It really helped, not wallowing down in that filth. It's not like you ever have to wonder what the fascists are saying, whether it's about homosexuality, world affairs--anything one can think of. Their thinking is simple and systematic.

Recently I started looking at that stuff again. I wanted to know what the right has been saying about gay people after the Supreme Court decision overturning sodomy laws. Such hatred, lies, venom. Why look at such a thing. There's a place for "opposition research," but this should be narrowly defined. Just perusing this stuff is at best a waste of time. So, I recommit to not look at Free Republic or other fascist propaganda. I won't be missing anything. Where they stand is clear.

As a gay man, I don't need to only remind myself that there's a fight ahead for full civil rights. I also, and more importantly, need to remind myself that there are many that are supportive--that my cause is their cause, my fight theirs. Solidarity is important--without it, there's no movement. It's the same for all the other important struggles as well--labor, anti-racism, immigrant rights, women... I'm going to focus on the positive, and leave the fascist filth to the fascists.
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fertilizeonarbusto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-01-03 01:16 PM
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1. Amen!
I avoid such shit like the plague.
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