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Iron Protein Plus
300 mg • 100 capsules
Item Catalog Number: 563
The most serious form of iron deficiency is anemia, an impairment of the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. In many people, anemia is caused by lack of sufficient iron intake from the diet. In women of child-bearing age, anemia tends to be a result of menstrual bleeding or from low dietary intake. In men, on the other hand, anemia is usually from medical causes. Symptoms of deficiency are varied, and include fatigue, decreased work performance, poor body temperature regulation, and for women, problems with pregnancy.
When the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is impaired (anemia), reduced blood flow to organ systems occurs (as is the case in coronary artery disease) and there is a much greater risk for infirmity and death. The startling fact is that 24 to 40% of hospitalized patients over age 65 are anemic. (New England Journal of Medicine, Oct 25, 2001, pp. 1230-1236) Compared to non-anemic people, these blood deficient individuals have high mortality rates from diseases such as heart failure, stroke and cancer. Cancer cells thrive in a low oxygen environment and even borderline anemia predicts higher mortality.
Anemia in fact, can be a strong predictor of who is most likely to die. Normal hematocrit ranges are between 36 and 50%. Below 36% indicates anemia. In the New England Journal of Medicine study cited above, doctors looked at heart attack victims presenting at the hospital. Their findings indicated that those patients with the lowest hematocrit ranges (5 to 24%) had the highest probability (78%) of dying within 30 days.
In the elderly, 28% of anemic people between the ages of 70 and 79 are likely to die over a 5-year time period than nonanemic individuals. In the 80 to 89 year age group, the news is even worse. The likelihood increases to 34%. (J Am Geriatr Soc 2001 Sep;49(9):1226-8)
Some people have too much iron in their body. Excess iron produces massive free radicals that can lead to life-threatening diseases. Before beginning iron supplementation to correct a condition such as anemia, a blood test is recommended. An annual CBC/Chemistry test can detect iron level, blood cell counts, and the presence of anemia or other serious conditions.
Iron protein succinylate (IronAid) may be the most effective oral treatment for iron deficiency anemia. It is currently sold as a drug in Germany. Studies on the effectiveness of iron protein succinylate showed the following results after 60 days:
23% increase in percentage of red blood cells (hematocrit)
30% increase in oxygen carrying capacity of blood (hemoglobin)
6% increase in total number of red blood cells
Supplement Facts
Amount per capsule %Daily Value
Iron (from IronAid tm protein succinylate) 15 mg 83%
Other ingredients: 300 mg iron protein succinylate, equivalent to 15 mg elemental iron per capsule, rice flour, gelatin, magnesium stearate.
Dosage and use
Take one capsule daily, or as recommended by your health professional.
Note: Do not take this product unless you are deficient in iron. A standard blood chemistry test will show your serum iron level. LabCorp's standard reference range is between 40-150 mcg/dL males; 35-155 mcg-dL females. Optimal serum iron ranges, however, are between 40-100 with men normally being in the higher end of the range. The most accurate way to access your iron status is to have a ferritin blood test. The ferritin blood test evaluates body iron stores and determines iron deficiency anemia. The standard reference range is 22-322 ng/mL males; 10-291 ng/mL females, whereas the optimal range is between 50-100 males; 30-100 females. Remember that standard reference ranges reflect population averages. When it comes to your health, you want to be in the optimal rather than the average range when it comes to metals like iron that have a narrow threshold of safety.