Star Wars:
This realm has C3PO, an android that can fluently speak 6,000,000 languages, imitate a stereotype gay guy (like me), and apparently was built by Darth Vader.
The realm also has R2D2, an annoying little snit that did nothing but whine judging by (a) it's amount of blippety-bleeping and (b) how C3PO always reacted to it in a typically gay (like me) manner.
Buck Rogers:
Okay, this series was all 70s and disco :scared: , but it gave us three of the worst robots of all time:
The first one is Twiki. Nothing more needs to be said about this mobile annoyance except I wouldn't name my child Twiki unless I reeeeeeeeeally hated him/her...
The second was Chriton, not to be mistaken from Red Dwarf's COOL android, Kryten. Chriton is another gay stereotype but unlike me, more like a precursor to Commander Data (in other words, a Spock rip-off)...
The third was Erin Grey. Made to look very human, but nevertheless clearly showed how much of a robot she was. She later turned on Junior Republican Ricky Shroeder in the ultra-trendy waste of videotape known as "Silver Spoons".