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Burglar Delivers Himself To House In A Box

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matcom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-07-04 10:57 AM
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Burglar Delivers Himself To House In A Box

BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) - A young Colombian thief hid in a parcel delivered to a wealthy home but his planned burglary went wrong when suspicious security guards called in bomb disposal experts, police said on Tuesday.

Guards at the condominium in the city of Medellin feared the strange, heavy package dropped off by a private vehicle could explode and phoned for help in Monday's incident, a police spokesman said.

Police got a shock when a hand holding a knife punched through the cardboard as the panicked thief shouted he could not breathe.

Police unpacked the parcel to find the gasping 24-year-old criminal, together with a gun, ropes and a ski mask.
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