Boy, this one ought to separate the geezers from those still wet behind the ears.
I went to the one in New Orleans a couple of times. In the early-to-mid 60s, 2 or 3 buddies and I usually spent New Year's Eve in NOLA. We'd go out "on the town", no dates, but definitely trolling.
Never successfully that I remember, but god we tried.
Wore three-pices SUITS and TIES! Trying to look like stock brokers or bankers or something. I smoked a pipe!
Once or twice we started the long evening at the Playboy Club. We were hot rocks, no doubt about it. Running over with cool and savoir faire. The bunnies wore "spilling-out-the-top" costumes, so they couldn't bend over to serve your drink. They developed the Bunny Dip, a bent knees, straight back maneuver to get the glass down to table level without spilling or overexposing.
You knew, going in, that to make a grab for the Bunny's big fluffy cottontail would bring a tuxedoed bouncer and instant removal. We also knew that the girls were not allowed to date customers, but that sure didn't keep us from asking. One of the nicest turn downs I've ever had.
It was a pretty expensive place to drink, so we'd have a couple and then move on to the cheaper (and seedier) bars in the quarter.
Once we crashed a party. Huge gathering at a house in the quarter. Just walked in, smiling and nodding, and headed for the bar. NObody knew EVERYbody there, so we just became part of the celebration. Danced with a couple of cute girls and had a great time.
I digress.
So...ever been to a Playboy Club?