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Power Outages Follow Northwest Snowfall

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La_Serpiente Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-08-04 07:29 AM
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Power Outages Follow Northwest Snowfall
Power Outages Follow Northwest Snowfall

SEATTLE - Rain continued to fall in the Northwest early Thursday, bringing no relief to a region already tried by two days of snow and rain that complicated travel, knocked out power and closed schools.

More than 50,000 customers remained without power Wednesday night in Seattle, Everett and the surrounding area. Utility crews scrambled to repair power lines brought down by ice-covered tree limbs.

About 136,000 customers had been without power earlier Wednesday following Tuesday's snowfall.

Temperatures on Wednesday warmed into the 30s and 40s as rainy or cloudy skies covered much of western Washington. Temperatures in eastern Washington were in the teens, with scattered snow.

Schools were closed in many areas, including Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia, and parts of western Washington and Oregon were under flood advisories.


Power Outages Follow Northwest Snowfall
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