Top 10 Ways to Play With Your Ann Coulter Action Figure
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:48 PM
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Top 10 Ways to Play With Your Ann Coulter Action Figure |
| Two words: Paris Hilton.
2) Wipe that smirk (and everything else) off her face! (Try Easy-Off Oven Cleaner.)
3) Hair play. Give her cornrows. Or a Mohawk.
4) Feed her $500,000 worth of OxyContin. (It's OK. It's for her pain, not for kicks.)
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:50 PM
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1. I always thought that a "tree shredder" would work well for her |
Hoosier Democrat
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Thu Jan-08-04 03:17 PM
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Some suggestions:
Use it to feed pills to your Jabba the Hutt action figure (complete with cigar and microphone)
Buy the life-sized version and place it in your garden to scare crows (and people) away
The perfect toilet brush!!
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:51 PM
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10) Invade her country, kill her leader, and convert her to Christianity.
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:57 PM
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a conversion to Christianity would serve Anne, and all of 'Merica very well.
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:57 PM
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7. The writer of the article has just been sent to Gitmo |
for that line. "instigating a plot to harm the pResident"
The Zanti Regent
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:52 PM
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3. Oh, it's most effective as a voodoo doll |
especially if you stick a pin up it's ass!
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:53 PM
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Military Brat
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Thu Jan-08-04 02:57 PM
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6. Purchase 2, use as driveway speed bumps |
Watch out for the sharp tongue, though, so as not to puncture a tire.
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Thu Jan-08-04 03:33 PM
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9. Now where's my Ronald McDonald action figure??? |
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Thu Jan-08-04 03:36 PM
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10. Actually, I was given one of these for Christmas as a joke |
I was also given a Jar-Jar Binks animated figure a few years ago (again as a joke - my friends have interesting senses of humor).
I am contemplating placing Ann in compromising positions with Jar Jar. After all, in real life, they are both just pre-programmed caricatures wound up by their corporate masters. They'd make a perfect couple.
Also - the phrases they have programmed into that Coulter doll are tantamount to encouraging genocide. If you replace the word "liberal" with "Jew" or "Negro" in a lot of her recorded phrases she would be justifiably accused of hate crimes.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:05 AM
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