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Bang, whack, bang, bang, bang

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Raven Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-01-07 07:56 PM
Original message
Bang, whack, bang, bang, bang
that's my head....MSNBC...I don't usually tune it in but you folks at DU made me do it. You talk about it all the time. You rant about it, badmouth it, slander it. It's a major news source for Christ's sake, it can't be that bad. So I tune it in. Oh dear God. We have a tornado in Alabama tonight which hit a high school and a pea brain reporter talking to a disraught mother about the whereabouts of her teenage son... "do you think he's off sleeping with his girlfriend" (I made that one up) "have you checked at home" "give us your cell phone number" (on the air, no less). And scrolling on the bottom of the screen are the funeral plans for Nicole, over and over and over. You know, the world might end and if I was watching this station, I would never know it...maybe that's a good thing.

Why does KO dignify this station by being on it????
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lildreamer316 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-01-07 08:35 PM
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1. 'Cause he's gotta be on somewhere; and thank god it's one of the big stations.
I mean, imagine if he were on one of the stations no one ever saw? It's for the best; trust me.
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