Edited on Fri Mar-02-07 07:54 PM by SmileyBoy
I don't remember getting the flu for probably years now. I would normally get a cold once or twice a year, but this shit knocked me out like a ton of bricks this week. For the first couple of days, I thought I had a cold, but on Wednesday and into yesterday, I knew it was a lot worse. Doc prescribed a cocktail of over-the-counter and prescription meds for me, which sucks, because if I saw the doctor 24 hours earlier than I did, he would have been able to give me an antiviral medication. Fever, stuffy nose, ear infection, cough, achey torso, low-grade nausea and the sweats. The coughing was so bad, I had the dry heaves yesterday. At least the nausea stopped last night, and I've regained my appetite. Cough is mostly gone now too. I think I'm starting to get better (that is to say, the worst is behind me), because yesterday I was completely bedridden, and I couldn't get out of bed if I wanted to. Today, I felt like I had to get out of bed, I wanted to walk around, etc.
I thought to myself, "Is this what the Bird Flu is like??" I wouldn't want to get that or anything worse than what I got. Sucked major ass this week.