Okay, here's the situation, and I'm hoping someone can help.
I just switched to a new template, one that utilizes three columns instead of the former two that I used. I did it using PsycHo's template builder (
http://psyc.horm.org), which utilizes DIV tags instead of tables, and is optimized for Firefox.
Well, in Firefox, it looks pretty good. All three columns are aligned as they should (though a bit uneven, which I'm in the process of fixing. See for yourself:
http://ltradio.blogspot.com/Only problem is, I pulled it up in IE, and it looks like hell. The second column starts way down the page, right below the first. They don't line up. I tried to use a hack that PsycHo recommended (the overflow: hidden; tag) but it doesn't work. I also toned down the width of the columns. No dice.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong, and what I can do to make this thing look decent in IE, short of strangling Bill Gates? I'm losing what's left of my mind. Please help!