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Does anyone know of any legal troubles or lawsuits regarding Sallie Mae?

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BlueStorm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-05-07 07:30 PM
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Does anyone know of any legal troubles or lawsuits regarding Sallie Mae?
The school loan lender Sallie Mae is the company that has my loans. I am trying to get my loans discharged based on the fact that I am on Social Security.

Here is my story:

In 2000-2001 I signed up at Olympia Career Technical Institute to study network administration. I was told by the dean at the time that they would provide whatever services for my handicaps (bi-polar, hearing impairment) My mother was there with me when I was being interviewed. I joined up with the program, however I was getting frustrated and there was no help. Both me and my mom had asked for a note taker or interpretor services but the school refused. My teacher kept saying that I could hear because I "wear hearing aids" He nor the staff were understanding of my situation. As a result I dropped out.

Now I am stuck with a $20,000 loan, that's with the interest tacked on it. I have put in forebearance quite a few times.

In fall of 2001, about 5 months after I dropped out, I applied for SS. I was denied the first time but in 2003 I was approved. I was then still receiving demands to pay of this loan but I haven't been able to. I have put it on forbearance six times since 2002. In summer of last year I filed with Sallie Mae to discharge my loans on the basis that I have a "total and permanent disability" I was denied the first two times due to the fact that my doctor didn't fill out the forms right. The third time I was seen to have the eligibility to be disabled and thus Sallie Mae transfered my loans to the Education of Department for them to make a decision on whether or not my loans should be discharged.

I just received a letter this Saturday and was found that my loans are not eligible for discharge due to a "medical review failure." Due to this the ED will determine when I should start paying my loans off. The thing is, I can't, I'm on a very limited income and I am on both SSI and SSDI. From what I have heard, lenders aren't supposed to take SS money. Unless of course, that has changed.

My mother is advising that I speak to a disability lawyer. My mom is a witness as to what Olympia "promised" me and would be willing to work with me on it as she knows the American Disabilities Act. She has worked with disabled and deaf people most of her life.

So should I do what she says or do you have any other advice? Also is there any class action lawsuits involving Sallie Mae or legal troubles involving them. I would Google it but I am not feeling up to it that much and I know you DUers can be resourceful.


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GenDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-05-07 07:48 PM
Response to Original message
1. I don't have any advice....
I know absolutely nothing about SS disability, but it sounds to me like your mother is giving you good advice.

Sending you good vibes and hope for a successful conclusion with this bureaucracy. :hug:
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BlueStorm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-05-07 07:49 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. It's just been one thing after another
and I was wondering if others had the same or similar problems with Sallie Mae.

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lizziegrace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-05-07 07:53 PM
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3. The only 2 things I know about student loans
They are cannot be discharged in bankruptcy and if jointly consolidated with a spouse, are not discharged in death.

Disability is an area I'm not familiar with.

I hope you find the answers you need.

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