I don't know your circumstance, but I know what it's like to be down. Down to the point of hopelessness and immobility.
I do have a bit of advice to offer. It may seem trite, but it is helpful. You need to burn some energy. I know, you might be rolling your eyes at this, but it really does help. If you've ever had an exercise routine, put on some danceable music and get back into it. If not that, then take a long, and vigorous, walk. Preferably a walk that includes a hill. Anything that makes some muscles contract and gets your blood moving.
This will release endorphins into your system and help improve your mood. It won't solve any problems, but it will help you think more clearly about solutions. Try to make this (exercise) a habit. Do it again tomorrow. We all know exercise is good for the body, but it is every bit as beneficial to the mind as well, perhaps even more so.
In addition, you should talk to someone you trust. It can be a friend, family member, professional, or volunteer on a crisis hotline, but talk to someone. Sitting there with images and random bits of thought bouncing around your head isn't going to help you. Conversation will force you to focus your thoughts into a coherent stream and you have to do that in order to find solutions or alternatives.
If you're at a loss as to who to talk to, call a crisis hotline. Call one of these two numbers: 1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-273-8255. They are both 24/7, and you WILL get a sympathetic and helpful person. These people know of the place you're in and they WANT to help you. If you're feeling pretty hopeless PLEASE call. You'd have nothing at all to lose but a couple of minutes.
I send my best wishes to you. Sincerely.