This is a health care question...
A year ago I was laid off and received COBRA coverage. It was a job I hated, so the lay off was actually a kick in the butt to get a job I liked. Since then, I found a job that I mostly like, but it has no benefits - so I've stayed on the coverage from the last job. I have 6 months left. On last Thursday, March 1st, I got home to fine a letter from the previous job informing me that the health care plan is changing quite dramatically as of March 1st and did I want to continue? I've kind of been spending the last few days frantically trying to find out what my options are - but I feel like I'm running around blind.
Under my old plan I paid $235.00 a month (I know it's not nearly what a lot of people here pay, but it's about all I can afford) and co-pays, of course, but everything I needed was basically covered. Now the new plan, that I could only stay on for 6 months, is $150.00 a month with a $1,200.00 deductible. After the deductible, all of the co-pays would be quite a bit higher than I already pay. I've been told by the insurance company that if I want to switch to an individual plan that is in any way comparable to what I have now, then it would still have the large deductible and higher co-pays, although the premiums would be lower, and that I would have to go through medical underwriting.
The problem is that I have a pre-existing condition - it's not a major one, but it will still probably cause the premiums to jump, a lot. I'm also in a position right now where it doesn't look like I'm covered at all, since the previous work sent back my check for March's coverage.
While all of this is going on, my mother and both my sisters have just been diagnosed with a condition which could end up being problematic, and since it's genetic, I've been told that I really need to look into it too. It's something that could probably be put off for a month or two, but not much longer. So, I'm basically freaking out.
I guess I'm wondering if anyone has any idea where I should start with all of this and has any advice about what to do. I feel really dumb about health plans and all of the information feels like it is in gibberish. I really appreciate any help at all.