Edited on Thu Mar-08-07 08:03 PM by Midlodemocrat
Some of you may know that my husband had a quadruple bypass almost a year ago. Since then, he's been born again. And, interestingly, become even MORE liberal. I think there was a chasm in his heart, (figuratively, not literally, that was taken care of by the great cardiac surgeon, Dr. Hahn) and this filled it. He has a group of guys he meets with and they talk spiritually as well as personally about the travails in their lives. I'm okay with it, because he's not a homophobic fundie asshole.
I digress.
I answered the phone and it was this fundie chick from a catalog I recall seeing from the Gospels that he bought to listen to as he drove around. She wants him (us) to contribute to a monthly program to essentially convert those poor heathens in Iran, Somalia, etc. to Christianity before it is too late. :eyes: again.
So, I politely try to explain that I am a cradle Catholic and that he is the only one who listens to this guy and that I basically think the guy is completely full of shit, but I DO manage to say it much nicer than that.
I explain that he had surgery, blah, blah, blah, (because every.single.born.again. I know has had a crisis of some sort in their lives to bring them to that point) and she starts blathering about Jesus and the blood on the cross, etc., etc.
So at this point, I interrupt her and tell her that in NO WAY will do this kind of proselytizing. Along the same lines as what she is doing to me about being born again.
I then start quoting Leviticus to her. I start with the crap. The don't sleep with your wife when she has her period crap. and the homosexual crap. and then I go in for the kill.
I start essentially yelling at her that this RW fundamentalist bullshit that has been fed to the American People has cost BILLIONS of dollars and hundreds of thousands of innocent lives and that if she is going to quote scripture to ME, she better be prepared NOT to eat bacon and NOT to watch football because the pig is 'unclean'.
I say to this ignorant little twit that the moran in the WH has corrupted the Jesus I worship. The Jesus of Peace and Acceptance and Caring for the less fortunate.
She interrupts me. (!) (Let's just say that wasn't too smart) and says she is not going to 'talk politics'.
I yelled that "People dying in the name of the Lord that you freaks worship isn't politics and you need to get the RW monkey off your back before you go any further because everything you have said here tonight is crap. I am A LOT older than you, sweetie, and I've forgotten more than you know about the teachings of Jesus. Do the corporal works of mercy ring a friggin' bell? I'm sure they don't. It's more important to you idiots to quote scripture to someone who isn't Christian than it is to actually do the works of Christ".
And. I hung up.
So, DO NOT EVER quote scripture to me. I was raised by the most Christ-like person on the planet and I KNOW for a damned FACT what is the correct thing to do.
Okay. :rant: over.