Edited on Sat Jan-10-04 12:20 AM by populistmom
I just found a job that I could probably get very easily. The pay isn't great, but it's okay, but it would get a huge foot in the door of where I want to go after I finish nursing school. It's full-time though and between the kids (the older ones are in school, but my youngest is only two), and the fact I'm going to have three classes this semester means it would just realistically be too much for me right now.
I'm torn though. My husband thinks I should go for it and then if I get it, tell them I only want it part-time. I, however, think it's rather uncooth to do that and wouldn't start me on very good footing, potentially even closing the door totally. I thought about sending in my resume, but being honest that I'd only be looking for half time or less and see if they'd still be interested. I'd still be busy as all Hell, but it would be good career-wise and I'm dying to get back into work mode in all honesty.