Edited on Mon Mar-12-07 05:15 PM by trof
Some poor bastard in a pretty nice looking house, in a pretty nice looking neighborhood not too far from us.
100 plants indoors in "what looks like a high-tech PROFESSIONAL operation. The grower of this HUGE amount of marijuana was obviously cultivating it with the intention of selling it."
All manner of swat teams and even a helicopter. Sheriff's deputy on camera going on and on about the "threat to our kids".
OK, I'll buy that. Kids shouldn't smoke grass. They shouldn't drink beer either, so let's shut all the breweries down. Which one do you think is easiest for them to get? Can you say "Miller Time"?
I don't smoke grass because it's against the law and I have enough problems without going looking for trouble. If it were ever legalized I'd probably try it.
Local newscasts just SUCK. Couldn't you tell me about what the city council did? What the county commission voted on at the last meeting?
Next up: "PIT BULLS AT LARGE!!!" :eyes: end of rant :-)