Whaaa? you ask HOW could that be you ask...
The lemonade diet
I see this pop-up thing on my computer that said "Would you like to have Beyonce's body?" Why yes I would, the next thing I know my wife walks in the room and I'm not eating for 10 days
(rimshot) that was a joke. Now for the serious part.
Google - lemonade diet - and the first link is the actual site and the second is a woman's journal of her 12 days on it (note the name of her site :bounce: )
So last Wednesday night was the last time I actually ate food. Since then I have been existing on a lemonade concoction
10oz. water
2 TABLEspoons of pure lemon juice (not from concentrate)
2 TABLEspoons of Maple Syrup (they recommend Grade B but any will do-not maple flavored actual maple syrup)
Cayenne pepper to taste (this cleans out the sinuses and all the mucus in your system)
-drink 6 to 12 of these a day
-laxative tea at night and a quart of water with 2 TABLEspoons of non-iodized sea salt in the morning. Lets just say it works and leave it at that.
-10 days minimum (I know someone who did 23 days :scared: ) then a precise process of coming off the diet that takes 3 days.
I am fully aware of the cultish elements involved here so spare me the Scientology jokes. The book includes a dark shadowing picture of the diet's creator Stanley Borroughs that reminds one of the Dharma Initiative (for LOST fans).
Basically I fell great. Sinus problems GONE, sore throat GONE, my teeth were hurting a bit --> GONE, my lungs feel fantastic. This is a "Cleansing" diet but I have dropped at least one belt loop this week (I am on my 8th day today). The book that I bought (you can download the whole book on line) mentioned that “impurities” in the joints and muscles would also be eliminated and as much as I thought that was bunk I can tell a difference-I did the “ABC’s” with my toes (for flexibility) this morning and I used to pop&crack like a bowl of cereal but not now. Oh and my wife says I don't snore anymore.
I haven’t had any huge hunger pangs. I haven’t become nauseous. I have had a couple of bits of feeling wobbly and a couple of complete blank minds but then that isn’t anything new :-) . I have just craved the act of eating, the crunching part I have chewed on ice cubes to get around this. I have also cheated a bit by chewing gum (got me through quitting smoking) and using chocolate Smooth Move laxative tea.
So I have three more days then I start to come off it. I have to say that I was not aware that there were THAT MANY food commercials on TV. There was a Chick-fil-a commercial on during the ACC finals that just
killed me. It is funny to step outside and look back at how you eat and how you make those decisions especially for a ravenous omnivore like me. My daughters
gold fish are a killer too each and every cheesy crunchy one that I have had to throw out. I never thought picking up a single pea from the dining room floor would cause as much of a dilemma as it does. :grr:
I did this in part for the experience in part for the mental discipline and as a part of my effort to lose weight coming up on my 40th birthday on the 27th. I got a real eye opener on the doctor’s scale on January 30th so I set off on an exercise and diet (smaller portions) regimen that I think will add up to about a 30 pound total loss at my official weigh-in in 12 days.