March 15, 2007
Crab Cakes, The Four Seasons and Puke: Doesn't Get Better Than That
HRC fine dining on crab cakes, salads and Pelligrino in the Garden Terrace Wednesday night at the Four Seasons with a friend. “They were in thick discussions about the campaign and policies,” our eavesdropper noted. Earlier in the day, the one and only Wynonna and her bright hair was seen waiting for her car to pick her up outside the front door. (Nothing but the best for you, dear reader.)
Meanwhile, today on the Hill, Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio) was seen making a spectacle of herself when the unlucky lawmaker slipped and fell in what we’re told was vomit, in a bathroom in Cannon. (Some nice female dealing with the repercussions of Jason Roe’s going away party by chance?) “She made THE biggest scene in the hallway,” says a staffer who escaped the, um, regurgitation. “It’s literally all down her back.” I don't have much sympathy for Mean Jean. Be sure and read the comments at the link. :rofl: