How do you request someone on MySpace to be your friend?
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Sat Mar-17-07 12:05 AM
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How do you request someone on MySpace to be your friend? |
I just signed up tonight and I want to ask a friend who's on there (who I've lost touch with) to be my friend. How does one do that? I'm having trouble finding any info on that site as to how to do anything. I'm totally clueless over there. I don't know wtf I'm doing.
Starbucks Anarchist
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Sat Mar-17-07 12:06 AM
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1. Click "Add Friend" on their page. |
Should be in the top-left corner.
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Sat Mar-17-07 12:18 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
3. I can't find anything on his page that says "Add Friend" |
This is so frustrating. I'm so tired I wanted to go to bed a while ago, but I'm trying to get this myspace thing going.
Starbucks Anarchist
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Sat Mar-17-07 12:19 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
5. It's in the little box that has multiple options. |
Like "send message," etc. Or just use the find option on your browser and type in "add friend."
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Sat Mar-17-07 12:11 AM
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2. To find them go to the search option at the top of the page. |
In there there will be options to search for them by their name, myspace name, or email address. If you know their email address it's the most helpful.
After you find their page just click the add friend link. If it's been awhile since they've seen you it might be helpful to send them a message first.
Good luck.
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Sat Mar-17-07 12:19 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
4. I did the search and found the page |
but I don't see an ad friend link anywhere. :shrug: I did send him a message, and I hope he gets it and answers.
crim son
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Sat Mar-17-07 12:20 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
6. The Add Friend button should be in the same area as the |
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Sat Mar-17-07 12:27 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
7. Thanks. I found it. It just said "add" without the word friend. |
After I read your message, I clicked on the 'add' and it did turn out to be add friend. Now I can finally go to bed. I'll look for other friends on there tomorrow.
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Sat Mar-17-07 01:08 AM
Response to Reply #7 |
8. Yeah, people can edit those buttons |
And make them say whatever they want... which can be confusing! Generally, though, they stay in the same place... so the add friend button should be the second one down on the left in that box, I think :)
Glad you found it; sleep well! :hi:
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Thu Feb 27th 2025, 08:43 PM
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