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Ever had a bad day but you can't explain why it was a bad day . .

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Ekirh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 05:49 PM
Original message
Ever had a bad day but you can't explain why it was a bad day . .
I had three in a row at work .. . but yet everything goes right . .

work gets done on time. .

Lunch is good

I don't screw up anything . . .

Everyone seems to be getting along..

yet I'm completely miserable, grumpy, and just absoutely just not having a good day . . .

I mean today things were kind of stress for the first half.. got behind in the work, but caught up . . but the previous days before then . . . everything went extremely well. . yet voila.. the Ekirh just wasn't having any of it. .

Might just be stressed from an unknown source..

In anycase someone else took my weekend so I got the weekend off.. so whatever it is bugging the heck out of me . . I'll get it off my back this weekend . . .

Okay my mini-ponderment is now done . . . back to your daily scheduled D.U programming filled with copycats, Kudzu and what not.
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Catfight Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-21-07 05:58 PM
Response to Original message
1. Sometimes I think it's just a mood, like the opposite, have you ever
found yourself in a good mood for no reason? I've woken up and just hummed, sang, and smiled for no reason. I think it's just the ebb and flow of our emotions. Maybe something is weighting on you subconsciously? Maybe your tired? Temperament is just temperament, we all have it, the mundane routine of life can be a bummer. Just pay attention to yourself, maybe a bubble bath and a glass of your favorite beverage? Maybe calling someone you haven't talked to in a long time and bringing them a smile from hearing from you might be the break you need to change the mood. Remember, moods usually come and go, let yourself be grumpy, you're not hurting anyone.
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