Here's the issue. Last night, I attended the School Board meeting for my district. The reason was to register a complaint about the following actions taken by the school district: 1.) They gave the kids two days off in February using unused snow days...this was before winter had ended! Just because there hasn't been any snow doesn't mean there won't be! The result was...they ran out of snowdays when it finally decided to snow. 2.) Now desparate not to close the school for any reason, they were trying hard to keep it open even in bad weather. Now, last Friday, they had been predicting a big Nor'easter all week. The snow was to start at 10 am, and fall hard...6-16 inches worth of it! Most schools in the area closed right off the bat. Ours remained open...until 1:15 pm. Snow started right on schedule at 10 am. Guess the condition of the roads...that's right, they were lousy. Four busses were stuck, one had an accident. Thankfully, no children were hurt, but it could've been much worse. Naturally, I couldn't fathom this idiotic and irresponsible decision at all... 3.) As the final insult, our district was the ONLY ONE IN THE AREA to have a two hour delay the following Monday. Why? THEY HADN'T BOTHERED TO DIG THE BUSSES OUT. Are you kidding me? No, seriously, are you fuckin KIDDING me?
I was mad as hell, and registered my frustration with the School Board, but rather politely and calmly. Well, maybe I was too polite/calm. The superintendent of schools said she would address my concerns during her report. What a joke. She basically told me I was 'wrong' for being upset with their decision, then proceeded to lie and say it started snowing at 11:45...NEARLY TWO HOURS AFTER IT ACTUALLY STARTED SNOWING. The difference is huge. She put busses on the road more than five hours after very snows had begun, and most roads weren't plowed. She did not apologize, nor did she take any real responsibility for her FOOLISH decision. No explanation for why the busses weren't dug out, either. She just said 'the bus drivers discovered they could not move the busses because they were frozen in due to all of the snow.' I could've laughed at the stupidity of this remark, but chose not to. It was more pathetic than anything else.
This complete disregard for the safety of the children, and show of gross incompetence by the superintendent has got me seething. I don't want her to lose her job or anything, but I do think at the very least she should take responsibility for a grossly ill-informed mistake and issue a public apology. I want to bring attention to this issue, but am considering two options: 1.) Starting a petition to demand a public apology and a guarantee that such a decision would not happen in the future. 2.) Writing letters to the local newspapers and publically calling out the super, demanding her apology.
What does everyone think? I've never done anything like this before, but I'm as mad as hell and I feel something needs to be done. They gambled with the safety of the children, and that is NEVER an acceptable risk. I don't have a child of my own, but my 10-year-old sister attends this school, and could've been hurt...her bus barely made it home in one piece. So anyway, I ask for your advice, my friends. Is it a cause worth pursuing? Am I just overreacting? If you think this fight is worth it, what paths would you recommend? Thanks for your help in advance! :hi: