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Ace's numbers didn't hit...yet.

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trof Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 12:03 PM
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Ace's numbers didn't hit...yet.
Ace-the-Cat picked our lottery numbers last Thursday night.
He didn't hit in last night's picks, but it's a roll and we're in the Wed. drawing, too.
So, we ain't down yet.
Perhaps I should explain...

Miz t. claims a special affinity with Nasha-the-Dog and Ace-the-Cat.
Sometimes they "tell" her things.
If she holds them and concentrates real hard.
Maybe they could give her the winning numbers. It makes as much sense as any of the other methods I've heard of.

A few months ago she sat down on the floor with Nasha and made her mind a blank.
Miz t.'s mind, not Nasha's. I will make no snide or gratuitous comment here on how difficult this may or may not be for Miz t.

So she sat there and "listened". And a number popped into her head. Then a second and a third and a fourth and then...nothing.
EOM...End Of Message. Nasha's pretty old, so she probably did the best she could and just became exhausted. Miz t. picked two more numbers on her own. Nasha's numbers hit. Miz t.'s didn't. Sixty-four buck payoff. Hmmm.

So Thursday night Miz t., Ace, and I are in bed watching the tube. Well, Ace isn't really paying attention. He's head-butting me and rubbing and nuzzling and purring. That's when it hit me.
Maybe he's trying to tell me something?
Cats are a LOT witchier than dogs. Especially black cats. Maybe Ace has the numbers?
I offer this suggestion to Miz t.

"You may be on to something, trof."
She blanks. I get a pencil and paper.
Slowly, pausing about 5 seconds between utterances, she reels off six numbers.
How close did we come? Don't know. She's out and has the ticket with her.
Stand by for further updates.
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trof Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 02:32 PM
Response to Original message
1. update
Ace hit one number.
We're going back to Nasha's picks.
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