We all pay into the system. The difference is, we don't get much of the necessities in return.
So you're watching television, for example, let's say "Get Smart" because Max reminds you of * except * continues to lose while Max always manages to win...
"Get Smart" on TV? You bought the TV, antannae, windex to clean the screen, et cetera. You'll be forced to buy a bigger TV by 2006 if the FCC (Fascist Communications Commission) compels you to buy a HDTV set, complete with broadcast flag copy protection...
"Get Smart" on a cable channel? You're paying for cable. At least $50/month I'd guess. When HDTV becomes mandatory, digital cable becomes mandatory. Make that $70 per month for basic low end access.
"Get Smart" being interrupted by commercials? Every product you buy means you're paying for every TV show that product has been peddled on.
Or "Get Smart" on DVD? You bought the DVD (for a very high price as well!!) You also bought the DVD player and any necessary cables to be hooked up to the TV (that you also paid for). And the car in order to go to the superstore (best buy/walmart/they're all the same; mom'n'pop cold blooded murders) and the gas to fill up the car with.
Sounds like, in many potential ways, you spent a lot of money just so your nephew canm watch "Get Smart". (good show though!)
The public also owns at least part of the TV shows made, given that they do pay into it. People are simply led to believe otherwise.
Our society is socialism; we all pay into it. Problem is, we don't get much of the necessities in return.
And if you like TV, wean yourself off of its supple nipple now. Find a person instead to enjoy time with.