Edited on Sat Mar-24-07 06:39 AM by HughBeaumont
You probably assume it's because you aren't earning enough money, but the truth is that for most people, whether or not you become a millionaire has very little to do with the amount of money you make. See, this is something victim-blaming FPs like this one love to say to give you that Horatio Alger glimmer of hope; to dangle that proverbial carrot. For many, MANY people, what they get to keep has EVERYthing to do with their financial situation. Someone earning $30,000 a year in an area where at least $60,000 a year is required for a basic living (that is, no frills) likely is going to have to work harder to become a millionaire than someone who got all the breaks in life (i.e. knew all the right people, got the right college degrees, didn't work for a mis-managed fire-a-thon company, didn't have bosses that sucked and held them back in life, ran a business that DIDN'T fail . . . 'nother words, had no major landmine roadblocks like 94% of the population does) and earns $160,000 in that same area. They're going to struggle harder to buy basic needs and God Forbid actually have anything left over to SAVE for themselves once the month is left after the money moreso than said lucky rich guy above.
Now lets look at some items from his little laundry list:
1. You Care What Your Neighbors Think: My neighbor is unemployed. So was my other neighbor. 2 houses down from me, the couple filed for bankruptcy. I was unemployed for five months in 2001 and I'm lucky to be working now. Sorry to say, but when you're all in the same boat on a raging sea, you're hoping you'll stay alive. This is SUCH a dumb assumption that broadbrushes the middle class as some superficial consumerist monster when in reality many of us have to give up whatever luxury we had from time to time.
4. You Have No Goals: I had goals a long time ago. That was an idealistic time long ago, before Dumberica elected a president that enacted policies to help the not-in-need-of-help rich and rape the dwindling middle class. That was before I got fired three times. That was before the stock market tanked and really never recovered it's volatility. That was before I spent 12 hours a day commuting to and from and working at my current job. Oh, and then there's coming home, preparing dinner, making sure my Aspbergers-having kid gets his homework done, clean somewhat, take the dogs out, come on this site . . . after all this, I have to get up and do it all over again. I don't have time for goddamned GOALS. I'm just trying to make it through the day without going on a shooting rampage. Goals can't predict the future or the landmines the middle class always seem to have to navigate through.
5. You Haven't Prepared: REPUKE TALKING POINT! REPUKE TALKING POINT! GOD I hate this. Bad things DO happen to people from time to time, but guess what, FP: those bad things aren't just a hop, skip and a ju-ump for the majority of people. Major illnesses to any family member, layoffs, uninsured relatives, stock market dives, rising living costs, etc. can financially cripple a person for a long . . . LONG time. Climbing their way out of it kind of hampers that millionaire dream JUST a little. This has nothing to do with preparation and everything to do with just plain bad luck that will cost the poor family exponentially more than it will cost the rich one.
6. You Try to Make a Quick Buck: Make a quick buck, make a slow buck, it's all the same to me. Ain't making shit either way. That's a cop-out. What, people can't hope? It's probably more hope than this shitty service-happy, low-on-liveable-wage-jobs economy is giving them and it's probably just as accessible a dream as trying to become a millionaire in tomorrow's dollars and retire before you're 75. I think it's more "Let's reassess corporate America and find out why it's not working for the Average Joe".
8. You Invest in Things You Don't Understand: Your hear that Bob has made a lot of money doing it, and you want to get in on the gravy train. If Bob really did make money, he did so because he understood how the investment worked. Well, that and Bob was lucky the stock market didn't dive while he was in it.
9. You're Financially Afraid: Well, let's see. I was in a supposedly safe mutual fund in 1999. Mutual fund, not individual stocks, mind you. OOPS! The stock market tanked and I lost half of my wedding money. Should have been able to predict the future! Then, on the recommendation of practically EVERY financial analyst, I bought Pfizer stock in 2004. OOPS! The company is managed by a boob and I ended up losing 500 bucks. Guess I shoulda prepared ahead of time! And I had it a LOT better than most people out there that did what they were told to do and got it up the ass anyway. Now WHY, pray tell, would we be financially afraid? I mean, the guy makes it sound like nothing bad ever happens with higher-risk investments and that the stock market isn't just a legalized casino where the house always wins.
Is anyone but me sick of reading articles like this and articles that tell us "the secret to wealth is to work infinitely harder than you already ARE! Get a second JOB, you lazy bum!"? How about practical advice for those of us who are already working 50 hours a week and simply don't have TIME to follow their pie-in-the-sky schemes?