Edited on Sun Mar-25-07 09:59 AM by UTUSN
Well, there are MANY flicks I've seen only snatches of, never the whole thing. But I was prepared to LUERVE this one, being a Classics devotee (not an ERUDITE one, mind you).
And being unfamiliar with the comics source, still, I was somewhat prepared by leafing through the accompanying illustrated deal-ly at the bookstore.
My gripes: It was DARK (like the comic). Whatever happened to the sun drenched Greek isles? (I say this despite Homer's "wine dark seas".) It ought to win something for cinematography and/or art direction. It *did* have the look of the comics.
The other gripe: It was clash-clash-clash, slo-mo ad nauseum. Yeah, beautiful to look at.
It's like looking at a painting that moves a little. There's action, then there's ACTION. There's chase, then there's CHASE. For example, in Jurassic Park, where they drop in a few characters then the rest of the movie is being chased by big lizards-------not my type of movie. Contrast that with the much maligned Apocalypto, where the CHASE is the entire movie, but the personal love story is what propels the whole thing. (I can't think of a comparable analogy for the action vs ACTION angle.)
I'll probably give it a chance again someday. Not soon. On DVD, on a LONG day.
For the record, the other movie I walked out of was Barefoot in the Park in 1967-8. Shrill squabbling in a "romantic" couple, bleah!!1 Can't stand to argue, can't stand FLAMING!!1