I'm sorry, but I wasn't going to spend another $100 for the "privilege" of buying presale tickets which were already going to cost me $75 each MINIMUM. Not to sit in the uncomfortable chairs at Wrigley Field in the middle of July.
So I sat there refreshing two different browsers and calling on my cell phone for the last hour + to try and buy tickets. Then a page came up that said "scattered single seats only left" so I gave up.
Of course I could pay hundreds of dollars to the brokers, but I just can't justify it. I was a huuuuuuuge Police fan as a lass but I just can't see spending that much money for something that might suck simply due to poor sound quality (Wrigley was not intended to hold rock concerts, Wrigley was built before rock concerts existed), uncomfortable seats, bad views and the weather.
Still, it sucks. I know I'm going to be in a sucky mood on July 5th.
I will tell you one thing though, NOTHING will get in my way of seeing Crowded House this summer. NOTHING.